
who do you think you are?

well hello everybody! does anyone else hate when a family member who is not your parent try to tell you what to do in your own house? does it only grind my gears? yes? no? bueller? 

well, that's how my morning went the other day. the phrase "who do you think you are" fell out of my mouth a couple times. not proud, but when even your mother says that family member has overstepped their boundaries, there's an issue. hopefully this family member will get the hit and leave me alone from now on. 

anywhoozle, here's this: 
this is Gary, he was being all lovey dovey. not his usual. but, I'll take a lovey fluffybutt over a biting sourpuss. 

oh, and today I went to my cousins house to do her hair, and she brought this pretty little girl out to see me!
 cutest little pittie I've ever seen! she came from a litter of pups that my cousins pit bull, Hercules, fathered. My cousin wanted to stick with mythological names of the gods, I did some research and so appropriately named this little gem Macaria, daughter of Hercules; Mac or Aria for short. 

if it weren't for my stepdad being against having another animal, I would've wound up with a pittie in under a month. oh well. that's first thing when I finally leave the nest(:

anywhoozle, I'm ducking out for the day. 
as always, hakuna matata, may you have no worries


technology hates me -.-

hey everyone! so, today was awesome up until about an hour and a half ago. google and youtube decided to make kflan completely crazy. the situation was so frustrating it seriously almost brought me to tears. thats some crap, i know. but the more that the internet changes, the dumber i feel. let me set up the situation...

so, i had a youtube account from way back when that i made with my yahoo email. then a few years down the road during a college english course, we had to make a blog via blogger on google for the class. somehow, it ended up making its own youtube channel. once the class was over, i had forgotten about blogger. well, i use the email account and obviously, recently decided to start my blog over. well, i was tired of signing in and out and back in and out of the two accounts when working on my blogger and going back to youtube. so i wanted to mush it all into one account. COULD NOT. it was just not happening. and when i get frustrated, sometimes i can go into frustration overload when im tired or just depending how im feeling that day. so google and youtube almost brought me to tears. then it hit me: switch accounts. i was able to add my second account onto my original account and can switch back and forth without signing out of youtube to use blogger and vice versa. i felt really stupid after that. no tears!

well, now that that is out there for the world to see [me basically being brought to my knees by the internet], onto a good note! today was pretty good. woke up this morning pretty early and got the day goin like a normal human being. went to my grandmas house with my mom and sister to hang out with my grandma, my aunt, uncle, 2 second cousins, cousin and his wife. my second cousins are my cousins two girls and they were so excited to see us. they went swimming, we colored, we had awesome food and watched a bit of swamp people. my uncle spent most of the day building the girls new play house, complete with real opening windows, front covered porch with railing, a porch swing, and a mailbox. its pretty freakin cool. he wasnt finished when the rain finally hit, so a picture of the finished product is not available, but will be shortly. so for right now, this is what it looked like before we left for home:

all in all, it was a wonderful day spent with family. now, im going to go to sleep. frustration with the internet takes a lot out of you.

until next time, hakuna matata, may you have no worries

starting off with a ba-..burn..i mean burn.

well hello everyone! people of the interwebs! i realize no one is actually reading my blog at the moment because of one of the following reasons: it was boring when it was for a previous college english course, i revamped it into a beauty blog and forgot about it, you dont care, you havent seen it yet, or something of that nature. well, let me be the first to welcome you with a warning. I WILL SAY, POST, AND SHARE WHAT I WANT. that being said, if you dont like it, dont look at it. got a problem? solve it by taking yourself out of the equation. on to a happier note...

im sunburned! i spent a couple hours outside this past fri-...saturday and hadnt thought about sunscreen. well, lesson learned because im now sporting a purple tinted lobster glow on my shoulders. fun stuff. being in the beauty industry, i should know better. one of the first rules of skin care and anti-aging is: SUNSCREEN! it not only protects from the damaging rays of the sun, it also is a good aid in aging gracefully.

i cant stress enough how important sunscreen is. this will be a good reminder for the rest of the summer and summer time events. my sister, katelyn, and i are going to be at Vans Warped Tour this summer near chicago and it is normally super hot and sunny. its our first warped tour and i cant tell you how excited i am to be going. just gotta make sure i bring sunscreen. i dont even want to think about how bad of a sunburn someone would get if they didnt apply/bring sunscreen at warped. [enter unattractive shudder here]

anywho! i realize im probably just writing all this out for my own benefit of having a place to share the madness that falls out of my head and no one is actually going to give a shit about this blog. but even in the slightest chance i catch someones attention, i want it to be a positive influence on them and their life.

so in closing on my first real blog post..
hakuna matata, may you have no worries..